What I would tell my younger self: If only I knew what I know now about money…
Go ‘Back to the Future’ to pass down finance knowledge! Kurt Vonnegut: “Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, “It might have been.” My wife and I are really grateful that we were able to retire early and reach financial independence at the age of 51 and 48. Don’t get me wrong. It was a difficult thing to do, to have the willingness to forgo wants, to sacrifice the now for a better tomorrow, and to push through our own doubts about whether or not we were doing the right thing. In the end, it was definitely well worth it! Not needing to go to work I didn’t enjoy, has reduced most of the stress from my life. I wouldn’t change anything right now. We’re happily retired and doing the things we always wanted to do, namely, traveling and spending more time with family. It got me thinking though. What if I had a time machine, like the DeLorean from the movie “ Back to the Future ?” What would I tell my younger self? Would that equal even earlier retirement and reaching