Our third year anniversary of this blog: Thank you readers!

Sculpture Garden, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Colin Powell: “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” My wife and I are so fortunate and blessed that we’re able to live our lives the way we always wanted to. Our dream of retiring early turned into reality in August 2020, and we’ve been living as early retirees ever since. Of course, we paid our dues to see our dream become a reality. For about 10 years, we worked hard, sacrificed, and lived below our means to accrue enough money for us to retire early. Our journey of FIRE ( financial independence retire early ) wasn’t without its challenges. We wanted to buy stuff, we wanted to go on vacations that include a flight/hotel, and we wanted to splurge on things like everyone else at times. Although we did splurge once in awhile, for the most part, we stuck to our plan to pay down the mortgage, put away as much money into our retirement acco...