One year anniversary of my blog “Wandering Money Pig”: Thank you readers!
Ocean City Fishing Pier during sunset, MD Martin Luther King Jr.: “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Last week of December 2021 marks the one year anniversary of this blog. I had created this blog for two reasons: 1) give my nieces/nephews (and anyone else) useful information on how to reach financial independence and to retire early and 2) document my travels as well as anything else that comes to my mind after retirement so readers can have a better understanding of what to expect after retirement. I didn’t think anyone (outside of my family) would actually read any of my posts when I first posted my blog, but to my surprise, people started to read them! For that, I thank you readers. It gives me so much motivation when I know someone out there is reading what I write, which hopefully can help them in their journey to FIRE (financial independence retire early). One other reason why I started this blog was because I wanted to write to satisf