Our one year anniversary of our early retirement: Our thoughts and observations…

Our trip to Niagara Falls and Toby enjoying his visit! Unknown: “Retirement is wonderful if you have two essentials: much to live on and much to live for.” The month of August marks our one year anniversary of our early retirement! Wow, how times flew by… It seems like only yesterday that we sold our townhome, got rid of around 90% of our belongings, and started our nomadic lifestyle. It’s hard to believe that was a year ago! When we set out on our journey after retiring, we wanted to travel more and spend more time with family. We think we’ve accomplished both those goals. This is a quick rundown of our travels during the previous year: End of August - September : Moved down to North Carolina to our brother’s place to establish domicile, then went to see our parents in September October : Spent a month in an Airbnb rental in Ocean City, Maryland November : Booked a short trip to Bushkill, PA area for my mom’s birthday and spe...