Importance of insurance: Sixth in a series of financial tools to master

Getting insurance is part of being financially secure! Welcome back! This is a sixth installment in the series of financial tools to master. In the previous installments, we covered checking accounts, savings accounts, budgeting, retirement accounts, and brokerage accounts. I’ll put links to all of these posts at the bottom of the page for those who have missed any of them. Insurance, as weird as it sounds, is one of the most important tools to master for financial well-being. Without it, all the money you have will no longer be with you. If you have a medical emergency or a car accident, insurance is what you need so you won’t have to pay out of your retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, or your emergency fund. It’s not one of the more sexier topics for financial independence but I believe it warrants a closer look as it does require everyone to deal with and to understand it. Let’s first define the term: Insurance is a means of protection...