Review of Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona: Awesome scenery and awesome hikes!

Blue Mesa Trail, Petrified Forest National Park, AZ I first encountered the words ‘ petrified forest ’ from one of my best friends while growing up. My friend’s family had taken a cross country trip going from New York City to the west coast, and along the way, they had visited the Petrified Forest National Park , among others. The two words fascinated my young self, so I looked up the meaning in a dictionary (*for anyone younger than 30, a dictionary was typically used to look up words, like what we now do using a Google search). I found out the word petrified is the process by which an organic material becomes fossilized (or turns to stone) when it gets replaced with minerals. I had always wanted to visit this magical place full of petrified wood, and my chance finally came in December 2022 when we went on our own cross country road trip going from North Carolina to California. Looking at the highway system in the south and southwest, it made perfect ...